Sunday, September 24, 2006

開平碉樓之旅 (3/9/2006)

偶爾發現「開平碉樓」這個廣州「後花園」旅遊點, 定在生日期間的週末前往。調樓大概有數百座, 型態各異, 主調是仿照西式建築, 是以前由華僑回鄉興建的, 既為防盜也為防澇。
先由廣州中山八路廣佛汽車站乘坐前往開平的大巴,車票45元, 車程兩小時。到開平巿上吃過午餐, 再乘公車往赤坎鎮。到鎮上信步到河邊的赤坎古鎮排樓。





巴塞t-shirt 印 UNICEF Logo, 好感動耶!

看報紙報導巴塞的球賽消息, 還沒看報導便見到球員穿的球衣上竟然印了logo, 而且不是普通的logo, 而是 UNICEF, 馬上便上網看看發生了什麼事, 為什麼巴塞會將球衣的處子之身出讓了!

Contribution of FC Barcelona
FC will support Unicef's work by means of an annual financial contribution via its Foundation of one million five hundred thousand euros.
- Unicef will use each annual contribution to support the programs and projects agreed in the plan of activities. This will be applied to programs and projects that benefit the most vulnerable children mainly in Africa, Asia and South and Central America, will special emphasis on children affected by HIV/AIDS, orphaned by AIDS and other children being exploited, abused or at risk of social exclusion.
- Each annual contribution will be accepted and administered by Unicef in accordance with Unicef norms and regulations in reference to contributions, including those related to the indirect costs of supporting Unicef programs, interests, auditing and the presentation of reports as valid at the time of the corresponding Unicef action.
- The club will also support Unicef activity by providing it with the use of its own advertising assets.
- The club will support Unicef activities through its players, promoters and members. The club has also expressed its specific interest in working with Unicef's National Committees in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan and with Unicef's national offices in India and China.

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